The ISSE Programme

Who is this program for?

The ISSE Program is specifically designed for a diverse learning needs of individuals in the space and related domains, ranging from novices to those with prior knowledge seeking to expand their understanding.  It is tailored to professionals from all sectors that are closely aligned with space, including government, industry, academia, voluntary organisations, NGOs, as well as members of the public with a keen interest in space and its adjacent fields. 

It is also designed for individuals looking for a career change in the field of Space.

  1. Programe Structures and Modules

The Program is designed around the three interconnected pillars of ‘fundamentals’, ‘operation’ and how these relate to a potential ‘design project’. The fundamentals benefit from modules (Table 1) addressing the relevant science and technology underpinning exploration and how space can facilitate innovation to improve life on Earth. Operational considerations include policy, commerce, logistics and the critical areas of safety, security, resilience and sustainability. The knowledge gained from the Fundamentals and Operation pillars form an essential input to the Design project on aspects of space (such as the design of a settlement in space for an identified mission). The Design Project gives participants a chance to apply what they have learnt in a more hands-on real-life context.


  1. Planetary Science, Geology and Astrobiology - 5 June 2024   
  2. Introduction to Space, its context and downstream applications. - 12 June 2024
  3. Mission Planning and Human Factors - 19 June 2024
  4. Satellite Technology and Orbital Materials - 26 June 2024
  5. Rocket and Spacecraft Technology - 3 July 2024
  6. Space and Health - 10 July 2024
  7. Space Materials and Mining - 17 July 2024
  8. Earth Observation, Comms/Navigation/Surveillance, AI and Big Data - 24 July 2024


9. Space History, Policy and Law - 31 July 2024
10. Space Safety, Security, Resilience and Sustainability - 7 August 2024
11. Space Operations and Logistics12. Commercial Space, Economics and Market - 14 August 2024
12. Commercial Space, Economics and Market - 21 August 2024

Project - 9 - 13 September 2024

Integrated Space Science Engineering Project, including role of systems engineering, requirements, automation, design concepts & project management.
NB: The Design Project is available to participants who have successfully completed (X no. of) modules.


Schedule accordian

1. Planetary Science, Geology and Astrobiology

This module provides the initial introduction to planetary science, geology and astrobiology. It explores the origin of the solar system including how the sun and planets are formed and looks at habitability with the case study of Mars.

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A.

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the fundamentals of the science behind the solar system, planetary geology and habitability.
2. Space

This module provides the initial introduction to space, providing the scientific context and framework for understanding the whole ISSE course, and gaining a deep and synoptic understanding of the physical principles that control both the space environment and our exploration of space. In the first part of the module, you will learn about the space environment, mainly focussing on the solar-terrestrial system in the context of the wider universe. In the second part of the module, you will learn about physical principles controlling and influencing space operations and exploration. This includes orbital mechanics and space weather. The module will emphasise practical understanding and knowledge and will be illustrated through real-world examples and access to images and data from a variety of current space missions. Further understanding is demonstrated in the Design Project Module. This module covers:

  • Introduction: our place in the universe and full context for understanding the module
  • Part 1: The space environment: the Sun, the solar system, Earth atmosphere/ionosphere, Earth’s space environment
  • Part 2: Space launch and orbits; space weather; exploring the Moon and Mars; the future of space exploration

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the basic nature of the space environment, and different relevant regions.
  • Understand that near-Earth space is a complex structured environment which is not ‘empty’.
  • Explain the differences between different orbits and how this influences space applications.
  • Appreciate that solar variability causes space weather and demonstrate understanding of the ways in which this impacts human activity and technology both in space and on the ground.
  • Be able to creatively envisage novel ideas for space exploration and space utilisation and be able to confidently assess the basic feasibility or otherwise of different proposed space projects.
3. Mission Planning and Human Factors

This module introduces the fundamentals of mission planning and implementation for all types of space missions and, in addition, addresses particular considerations for humans operating in the space environment. Building on previous modules we address the architectures required to implement various robotic missions including space-based navigations systems, remote sensing, communications, and scientific missions. Next, we will review human space flight missions including space stations and exploration missions to the Moon and Mars including architectures, constraints, and risks. The module ends with a discussion of promising new trends in space. The emphasis is understanding the diversity of space applications and the processes for achieving successful missions at the lowest costs and least risk. We also provide two excellent guest lecturers and tour of the Science Museum space exhibits.

Aspects of the module emphasise practical application of the module content and sharing real-world case studies Further understanding is demonstrated in the Design Project Module.

This module covers:

  • Introduction to Space mission architectures including ground and space segments.
  • Description of types of missions, orbits, and trajectories to accomplish missions, systems engineering, spacecraft development and design, mission phases and lessons learned.
  • Description of past and envisioned human missions including space stations, lunar exploration, Mars exploration and space tourism.
  • The approach to formulate and achieve missions based on objectives, budgets, and constraints.
  • An understanding of process by which programmatic goals are defined and by which missions are designed and specified, including national and geopolitical drivers, science objectives, and budgetary constraints.

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the objectives of a space mission and the relevant characteristics of the spacecraft, it’s orbit or trajectory, estimating the propulsion requirements including launch vehicle and in space propulsion, ground segments and life-cycle costs.
  • Understand how mission trade-off’s are analysed to establish requirements, budgets, schedules, identify risks and other related systems engineering processes.
  • Articulate the fundamentals of implementing a space project including structuring a team, managing requirements, testing and reviews to accomplish a mission through the mission life cycle.
  • Demonstrate understanding of processes for systems engineering and operations of human missions.
  • Create and present a Project Design Study to define the characteristics of an example mission and evaluate the factors having greatest effect on mission success.
4. Satellite Technology and Orbital Mechanics

This module provides a detailed introduction to the on-orbit operation of satellite technologies. This includes an introduction to the unique and challenging environment of space; presentation of the numerous typical satellite subsystems and their interactions; and a fundamental introduction to orbits, trajectories and transfers. The course will cover:

  • The space environment, including:
  • Thermal environment and outgassing/contamination
  • Plasma, radiation, micrometeoroid and debris effects
  • Satellite subsystems and their role in mission design and operation, including:
  • Communications systems
  • Propulsion systems
  • Data down- and up-linking
  • Guidance, navigation and control systems
  • Power systems
  • Typical trajectories corresponding to different missions 
  • Keplerian orbits, trajectories, and transfers and their role in mission design. 

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the environmental challenges of operating in the space environment.
  • Understand and apply a systems-level understanding of typically satellite subsystems.
  • Articulate the fundamentals of Keplerian orbits and trajectories.

Understand their application to mission design with case examples of the development and operation of actual systems for comms, PNT and earth observation.

5. Rocket and Spacecraft Technology

This module provides a detailed introduction to the operation and analysis of launcher systems and satellite payloads both during launch and re-entry. The rigours of launch are typically the most challenging aspect of satellite design and a clear understanding of the requirements is essential for successful design. Industry-standard analysis methodologies and engineering tools are introduced and applied. The course will cover:

  • Aerothermodynamics of launch vehicles, incorporating high-speed aerodynamics, heat transfer and thermal analysis
  • Launch vehicle Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) and ascent trajectories
  • Operational considerations of rocket and spacecraft design
  • Dynamic modelling of ascent and descent

Vibration behaviour during launch and associated structural dynamic requirements.

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the numerous loads — structural, thermal, etc. — that are experienced by and imparted on launchers and spacecraft during launch.
  • Successfully analyse launchers and spacecraft to determine their response when subjected to these regimes.
  • Understand the importance of approximation and engineering judgement when carrying out these analyses.

Understand the practical implementations and limitations of the analysis process.


6. Space and Health

This module introduces the development of healthcare for space travel and benefits on Earth.

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the role of space in advancing different aspects of healthcare on space travel and on Earth.
7. Space Materials and Mining

This module provides an in-depth understanding of the materials that can be produced in space, and the methods by which this accomplished.  The module begins by delving into the key concepts of space resource utilisation. This is followed by a discussion of the materials needed for space exploration and settlement, the methods for mining and manufacturing these materials, and the ethical considerations and sustainability issues associated with space mining. By the end of this course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities of space resource utilisation, and the implications for future space missions and interplanetary exploration.

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the properties and applications of space materials, including propellants, life support materials, and construction and manufacturing materials, and how these materials are obtained and processed in a space environment.
  • Describe the different types of mining technologies and methods used to extract materials in space, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with space mining, including ethical considerations and sustainability issue.
  • Assess the viability of space resource utilisation projects, taking into account economic, environmental, and technical factors, and to propose solutions to challenges associated with these projects.
8. Earth Observation, Comms/Navigation/Surveillance, AI and Big Data

This module provides an introduction to Earth Observation (EO) and remote sensing. From the physical principles, through system/sensor design, to data processing and a variety of applications

  • Introduction to Earth Observation & physical principles of remote sensing
  • Sensor design & image resolution
  • Digital image display & visualisation, multispectral & hyperspectral imaging
  • Introduction to LiDAR
  • Imaging Radar imaging & InSAR
  • Atmospheric remote sensing
  • Oceanographic/marine & coastal remote sensing
  • Introduction to space-based positioning, navigation and timing systems
  • Introduction to space-based communications and surveillance systems
  • Artificial Intelligence, future trends & developments

On successful completion of this module, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the physical principles of remote sensing and become familiar with the major remote sensing satellites and datasets.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the basics of digital image visualisation, multispectral and hyperspectral imaging.
  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of optical (reflected and emitted), SAR & LiDAR image data types and mode of acquisition
  • Be familiar with the main applications of EO in geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and atmosphere
  • Understand the basic principles of operation and the applications of space-based communication, navigation and surveillance systems
  • Appreciate the role of big data and advanced analytics
9. Space History and Policy

The module will provide a brief history of space activities and their geo-political context, and an overview and impact of international and national space policy.  It will cover space policy basics up to a level accessible to those with no prior knowledge of the topics and of relevance to individuals experienced in the field.

The course will cover:

  • Brief history of space activities: inception of spaceflight, the 1957 launch of Sputnik by the USSR, the following rivalry between the USSR and the USA, and the post-Cold War development of space capabilities and activities, including the International Space Station and the increase in numbers of missions and involved states and private actors.
  • Difference and connection of space policy and space law.
  • Context and policy impact of the five international space treaties (OST, ARRA; REG; LIAB; MOON); relevant UN Resolutions.
  • Role of the ITU.
  • National space policy formulation, implementation and impact.
  • International space cooperation and relevant policy factors.
  • Discussion of trends and challenges, including STM.

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will:

  • Understand the historical background of space activities.
  • Appreciate the international space policy framework and the inter-relationship of national space policies and socio-economic, environmental, national security, political, and science and technology objectives.

and have the foundation to:

  • Grasp relevant policies to achieve desired objectives nationally and internationally; and
  • Be aware of currently discussed policy issues and the entities and framework necessary to implement policy objectives
10. Space Safety, Security, Resilience and Sustainability

This module introduces the fundamentals of managing the risks related to space safety, security, resilience and sustainability. This includes an overview of objectives and key performance measures, and conventional and recent techniques for space asset representation, vulnerabilities assessment, exploitation mechanisms, threat analysis and risk analysis and approaches for intervention.  Aspects of the module emphasise practical application of the module content and sharing real-world case studies including benefits of complying with various standards illustrated via various activities that supplement the ten lectures. Further understanding is demonstrated in the Design Project Module. This module covers:

  • Introduction to Space Safety, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability
  • Risk assessment frameworks and analysis techniques
  • Key performance measures, representation of the space asset, vulnerabilities analysis
  • Vulnerabilities exploitation mechanisms, and threat and risk analysis
  • Risk mitigation
  • Case studies including application of STPAplus to real-world products
  • Creating a life cycle Safety, Security, Resilience and Sustainability Concept and Management Plan

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between safety, security, risk, resilience and sustainability
  • Understand risk management in general and its application to Space
  • Articulate the fundamentals of conventional and new risk management techniques
  • Demonstrate understanding of the application of new risk assessment techniques in general as well as in the specific context of Space applications
  • Create a life cycle Safety, Security, Resilience and Sustainability Concept and Management Plan and apply it to a typical aspect of space in the Design Project Module
11. Space Operations and Logistics

This module provides a detailed introduction to space operations and logistics (SOL).  It will cover the basics and build to a high level, accessible to those with no prior knowledge of the topics and of relevance to individuals experienced in the field.

The lectures will be supported by academic readings exemplifying the latest developments in the field. Participants will be encouraged to read the assigned paper and prepare ahead of each lecture by answering a few pre-reading questions that will fuel discussions. Sessions will consist of an interactive mix of lectures, Q&A, and discussions.

The first half of the module begins with an introduction of fundamental concepts in SOL, orbital mechanics, single mission optimisation, and complex space missions and their operations. These concepts are essential to understand the underlying principles of SOL.

The second half focuses on case studies including campaign level space exploration, human Moon/Mars exploration, on-orbit servicing, assembly, and manufacture, as well as mega-satellite constellations (and associated optimisation approaches), and exposure to latest research reviews.

By the end of this module, participants will have a well-rounded understanding of the approaches adopted for space operations and logistics, and their limitations. Participants will be able to integrate different knowledge domains for the formulation of feasible strategies and solutions for the design and evaluation of such systems for space exploration, communication, and beyond.

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to

  • Understand the fundamentals and development of space operations and logistics
  • Appreciate the importance of SOL on global economic activities, security, and space exploration

and have the foundation to:

  • Develop relevant SOL models and evaluate their performance in view of achieving relevant mission objectives
  • Embed such models within a model for international collaboration
12. Commercial Space, Economics and Market

This module provides an in-depth understanding of the commercial space industry. The first part of the course introduces the concept of commercial markets and covers the evolution of the industry from satellite launches to private space exploration, the current legal and regulatory landscape, and how companies finance their space activities.

The second part of the course focuses on the specific market segments within the commercial space, such as communications, remote sensing and imaging, and data; in-space manufacturing; and the cislunar economy and space resources. Throughout the course, participants will explore how these segments intersect, and how advancements in technology are shaping the future of the commercial space industry.

All lectures will be interactive and offer opportunities for Q&A

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the key characteristics of the commercial space industry and its evolution from government-dominated space activities to private enterprise.
  • Understand the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern commercial space activities and be aware of the financing sources for space ventures.
  • Evaluate the different market segments within the commercial space industry, such as communications, remote sensing, imaging, and data; in-space manufacturing; and the cislunar economy and space resources.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how advancements in technology are shaping the future of the commercial space industry and how different segments intersect with each other.
13. Design Project

To give participants insight and practice in researching and applying knowledge related to space, via different learning modes:

  • Introductory technical talks demonstrating the breadth of disciplines relevant to space sciences and space engineering
  • A day-long project to apply the technical knowledge and rehearse work experience behaviours
  • A journal club requiring autonomous learning about evaluating information sources and peer-to-peer collaboration and constructive feedback
  • A two-day space design project in a ‘large company’ team, to compel inter-disciplinary communication and problem solving, with feedback from a ‘client’.

The module is designed to give a large cohort of participants a set of individual, group and ‘company’ challenges.

On successfully completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • State basic ideas relating to a range of space science and engineering disciplines and identify gaps in their own knowledge
  • Critique their own and others’ space engineering design and science proposals with greater clarity, accuracy and confidence.
  • Discuss and use basic principles of ‘information literacy’ for space research
  • Reflect upon iterative ‘work’ experiences in running space projects
  • Analyse a client’s Request for Proposal for direct and implied requests relating to space sciences, space engineering and space business enterprise
  • Identify basic elements of systems thinking
  • Identify all, and attempt some of the key work roles within Space industry Companies, including executive team, technical department leaders, communications and marketing coordinator, researchers, designers, evaluators, graphics specialists, presenters.